Thursday 17 January 2008

The Best Answer Is Without Sound

Here's a poem of mine which owes its inspiration, in part, to the writing experiments of the artist Brion Gysin. Another poem culled from my archives of oblivion... I'm combing through my disaster areas and finding all sorts of surprises... This one's called


"Life has to kick you in the face
before you have a story on your

- David Murray (1995 interview)

The best answer is without sound
Best answer without sound is the
Answer without sound the best is
Without answer the best is sound
The best sound is without answer
Sound without answer is the best
The sound is best without answer
Answer best without sound is the
Best the answer without sound is
Is without sound the best answer
Best the answer is without sound
Sound the answer is best without
Best sound is the without answer
Best sound is the answer without
Best sound answer the without is
Sound the answer best is without
Best the answer is sound without
Without sound is the best answer

© George H. E. Koehler, 1997

1 comment:

time said...

"The Best Answer Is Without Sound" is part of the project Silence Stories by Ralph Lichtensteiher, check it out at:

as pdf under